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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!


This year, the Advocacy Center is focusing on the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse. When domestic violence occurs, pets or farm animals may be targeted as a way to injure, threaten, or control the victim. We invite you to join our efforts to increase safety for all members of our community by bringing awareness to this important issue throughout the month of October and beyond.

Outreach to Vet Offices/Animal Organizations
Dozens of vet offices, animal rescues, and pet stores throughout Tompkins County will receive posters and informational packets about the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse.

Pet Solidarity Pics on Social Media
Take a picture of a pet (selfies with pets are great, too!) and share on your social media. Please use the hashtag #SafetyForAllTompkins and tag the Advocacy Center (@advocacytc on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).

Pause for Paws Against Domestic Violence
Pause for a moment of silence during your school or work day, before a sporting event, or during a family dinner, to remember and honor all of those within our community who are at risk because of domestic violence. Use hashtag #PauseForPawsTompkins and tag us (@advocacytc on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)!

Domestic Violence in the Workplace Training
Our Education Director conducts trainings in October and throughout the year to educate professionals about the far-reaching impacts of domestic violence. Participants gain a strong understanding of what constitutes domestic violence, possible impacts on the workplace, signs a co-worker may be experiencing or perpetrating abuse, and ways to effectively respond that addresses the safety and well-being of the victim as well as the entire workplace. Interested in bringing a training to your workplace?  Email

The Clothesline Project
This display of survivor-created t-shirts allows survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to “air their dirty laundry.” The t-shirts, which contain powerful stories, images, and artwork, are hung on a clothesline to show that the people who experience domestic, sexual, or emotional violence aren’t just statistics but people in our communities and neighborhoods. See the Clothesline Project at:

  • DeWitt Park – October 2nd, 10am-2pm 
  • TC3 Library – October 17th-19th
  • City of Ithaca  – October 18th

Shine the Light on Domestic Violence – Go Purple! October 18th – All Day
Grab your favorite purple scarf, pants, shirt, hat, skirt – anything really! – and join others around NYS in going purple to raise awareness and show support for survivors of domestic violence. Please share a picture on social media using hashtag #GoPurpleTompkins and be sure to tag us (@advocacytc).

  • High schools throughout Tompkins County will be going purple! Our Youth Community Educator, along with members of our ACTion Faction, will be sharing resources and information about how to recognize and respond to domestic violence.
  • The IC Fountain is Going Purple! in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

Wizarding Weekend, October 27th & 28th, 10am-5pm, Downtown Ithaca
Wizards, Witches, and Magically-Impaired Folk (MIFs) alike are invited to visit us during Wizarding Weekend to find out how to join the Wizarding Army or the Magical Safekeeper Society. Bring along a pair of new socks to be donated to people fleeing abuse in our domestic violence shelter and free some elves along the way.

For more information about Domestic Violence Awareness Month, call us at (607)277-3203 or email