Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Lisa Kellmurray

What is your position at the agency?

Youth Advocate

How long have you worked at the Advocacy Center?

Well, previously, roughly the entire 1990s. More recently, since September 2021. In between I was rearing and homeschooling two delightful kids. They are pretty much grown up now. It’s been so much fun to see all the ways the agency has changed in that time, and how it has stayed the same.

What would you like survivors in our community to know about our agency?

What happened doesn’t define you. It’s not the entire story of you.

What is the most rewarding part of working at the Advocacy Center?

All of it. I always tell people I have the best job in the world!

Five for Fun!

If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?

I would always know when I am on mute.

If you could meet five people, living or dead, who would you want to meet?

Wilma Mankiller, Shirley Chisholm, Sherrilyn Ifill, Hillary Clinton, George Saunders

Bonus: I have a fantasy time travel novel in my head where I travel back to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and make them change the constitution in several important ways. Think ‘Back to the Future’ meets ‘1776, the Musical’.

If you could be a character from a book or movie, who would you be?

Hermione Granger – only I wouldn’t marry Ron.

What would you name your autobiography?

Yes, I Will Die on that Hill

Your COVID-19 Motto or personal mantra?

Do the next right thing.