Parenting During COVID-19: Part One

Written by: Youth Services Staff at the Advocacy Center Parenting is not easy.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents might be finding it especially challenging.  You are not alone. You might be asking yourself: How do I keep my family as safe as I can?  How do I talk to my children about what is going…

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Agency Update (4.9.20)

Survivors Need Our Help– And We Need Yours! Message from our Executive Director, Heather Campbell We know that abuse is not going to stop during this crisis. If anything, it’s expected to increase as more people find themselves isolated with their abusers and kids are not in school where school staff are mandated to report…

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We Are Still Here: Services During COVID-19

We know that Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse, towards partners or children, often occurs in the home,  so when the response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis is to encourage people to quarantine themselves at home, victims of abuse can be more isolated and cut off from support. During this time, the Advocacy Center is doing…

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